¿Qué tan fácil es?
muy facil . . .
Elija su(s) dispositivo(s) de nuestra amplia selección de productos electrónicos que estamos comprando actualmente. Desde lo último y lo mejor hasta su dispositivo crackeado "visto mejores dÃas".
Una vez que haya seleccionado su (s) dispositivo (s), le enviaremos automáticamente una etiqueta de envÃo prepaga donde simplemente entregará el paquete en su oficina de correos local a su conveniencia.
¡La última parte es fácil en la que simplemente eliges cómo quieres que te paguen! Puede decidir que le paguen a través de un cheque en papel, transferencia bancaria, Paypal, o Zelle. Ofrecemos múltiples métodos de pago para que su proceso de intercambio sea lo más fluido posible.
Con cada intercambio, siempre recibirá . . .
We offer a trade-in service where you can sell us your electronics with ease!
Cualquier dispositivo
Cualquier condición
Cualquier operador
Cualquier dispositivo
Cualquier condición
Cualquier operador
etc. . .
Get your instant quote here

In The Following Condition
Con cada intercambio, siempre recibirá . . .
¡SÃ, cada vez!
Competitive Pricing
Our team constantly analyzes the market in order to offer the highest payout.
Quick and Secure Payout
We can provide a direct deposit, Paypal or Zelle payment.
30-Day Price Lock
Your offer will remain valid for 30 days after a trade-in is accepted.
Free Shipping
We provide you with a prepaid shipping label no cost to you.
Transparency and Trust
You receive updates via email throughout the whole process so you're constantly up to date.
Our Most Popular Buybacks
¿Qué es una sección de preguntas frecuentes?Se puede utilizar una sección de preguntas frecuentes para responder rápidamente preguntas comunes sobre su empresa, como "¿A dónde realizan envÃos?", "¿Cuál es su horario de atención?" o "¿Cómo puedo reservar un servicio?".
¿Por qué son importantes las preguntas frecuentes?Las preguntas frecuentes son una excelente manera de ayudar a los visitantes del sitio a encontrar respuestas rápidas a preguntas comunes sobre su empresa y crear una mejor experiencia de navegación.
Can I trade-in my cracked device(s)?Absolutely! We purchase all types of damaged devices. The trade-in process is still as easy as any other device.
Do I need to include the charger and accessories with the trade-in?No, we only need the device without any accessories in order to complete your trade-in once we receive it. If we do receive any charging cables or accessories in the shipment we will not consider its value towards your trade-in and will be recycled.
What type of tech can I trade-in?We accept various electronics, including smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and more. You can view the full list of devices we buy here. Feel free to contact us if you have a specific device not listed.
What happens to my data on the device I trade in?We take data privacy seriously. Before processing any device, we ensure all data is securely wiped using industry-standard procedures to protect your privacy.
How can I track the status of my trade-in process?When selecting your device(s) to trade-in, we'll ask for your email which will be used to send you progress updates and allow you track your device during the entire trade-in process. You can log-in to view the status of your trade-in or you can view it here.
Can I cancel a trade-in after sending my device?If we have not yet processed your trade-in then you may still be able to cancel your order. You can log-in and cancel your trade-in or you can also email us at Support@cleverbuyback.com.
How long do trade-in offers last?Your trade-in offer is valid for 30 days, allowing you to ship your device(s) at your convenience. The final price is subject to the condition in which the device(s) are received in.
How long will it take to receive my payout?Once the device(s) have been shipped it typically takes 1 to 5 business days to arrive at our facility. We will then inspect the devices(s) and issue payment within 1 to 3 business days of receiving the device(s)
How do you determine the value of devices we trade in?The value of your device is based on factors such as its condition and model. Once we receive your device we will then examine it and if it matches the condition selected then we will process the payment within 1 to 3 business days. If the condition of the device doesn't match the condition selected when initiating the trade-in then we will re-quote you and send you the new offer via email. If you would not like to accept the new offer then we will ship your device back to you free of charge.
How much is shipping?Nothing! We automatically email you a pre-paid shipping label to send your device(s) to us for free.
In how many days will you receive my device(s)?Once shipped we usually receive the device(s) in 1 to 5 business days.
How can I securely package my device(s)?You can wrap your device(s) in bubble wrap and then securely put them in any box or padded envelope that fits your device(s).
What if I don't have a printer for the shipping label?No printer? No problem! After accepting our trade-in offer please reach out to our support team and we'll mail you a box and pre-paid shipping label so that you can get your device(s) to us with ease. Support@cleverbuyback.com
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